Command-line toolΒΆ

If you installed dottorrent using pip, dottorrent should be available in your system path.

usage: dottorrent [-h] [--tracker TRACKER] [--web_seed WEB_SEED]
          [--piece_size PIECE_SIZE] [--private] [--source SOURCE]
          [--exclude RE] [--comment COMMENT] [--date DATE] [--md5]
          path output_path

Create a .torrent file

positional arguments:
path                  path to file/directory to create torrent from
output_path           Output path for created .torrent file. If a directory
                                                is provided, the filename will be automatically
                                                generated based on the input.

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--tracker TRACKER, -t TRACKER
                                                tracker URL (can be specified multiple times)
--web_seed WEB_SEED, -w WEB_SEED
                                                web seed URL (can be specified multiple times)
--piece_size PIECE_SIZE, -s PIECE_SIZE
                                                piece size, e.g. 16KB, 1M. Leave unspecified for
                                                automatic piece size
--private, -p         set private flag (useful for private trackers)
--source SOURCE       source string (useful for private trackers)
--exclude RE, -x RE   filename patterns that should be excluded (can be
                                                specified multiple times)
--comment COMMENT, -c COMMENT
                                                string for the torrent comment field
--date DATE, -d DATE  Torrent creation date. Valid values: unix
                                                timestamp/none/now (default: now)
--md5                 Add per-file MD5 hashes
--verbose, -v         verbose mode

dottorrent/1.9.2 (

When creating a torrent, all dotfiles (filenames beginning with a ‘.’) are excluded. On Windows systems running Python 3.5+, all hidden files are excluded as well.

To add multiple trackers, web seeds and/or exclusion patterns, repeat the -t, -w, or -x as many times as necessary, e.g. -t tracker1 -t tracker2 or -x "*.jpg" --exclude "*.png".